Web Dev Matters and Me

Web Development Matters - HTML, XML, C#, .NET, AJAX/Javascript(jQuery), CSS, XML-XSLT

ME - LIFE,Philippines, Tokyo, ECE, PhilNITS/JITSE,情報処理, 日本語

things about Philippines, gaming, C# development and web development, how to make money in stock trading

Web Dev Matters and Me

FTP Upload using C# The remote server returned an error: (550) File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access).

This error just bumped into me while working with 2 web hosting company. I had almost identical deployment setup for two website. Then, I have a main FTP account that I use to transfer all the files in the server. But I really don't want to use this FTP account as it has a right to the root folder, so I created another FTP account that only has access to a certain folder. This way, I am setting up a little security on the website.

But when I am test deploying my website, I get errors whenever the GetRequestStream method of the FtpWebRequest object.

The remote server returned an error: (550) File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access).

Which was weird, because I have done this before on the website with my main FTP account. Whenever I will access the ftp site with explorer, I also can't connect. 

After googling a lot of failed solutions, I decided to try few things on my own. I tried to add folder similar to the folder structure in the root (so it looks like MainFolder/SubFolder/MainFolder/SubFolder) .

Then I tried to run my application again and I'm able to add the file smoothly.
I don't like the workaround because I simply tells me to update the already built code and perform another round of testing..

I hope the web hosting company can still find a way... Workaround is OK, but it is a lame excuse.


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